Blue Band Three High Definition Bluetooth Headphones with Full Color Foster Farms Logo **MINIMUM QUANTITY 50 PIECES**

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  • Regular price $15.50

Our adjustable Blueband Three Bluetooth Headphones deliver high definition sound quality to enhance your entertainment experience. The lightweight folding design and comfortable ear pads with good noise cancellation make these headphones the ideal choice for media lovers everywhere.  Simply Pair these headphones to your bluetooth device for dynamic sound! 

Safe Listening:

  • After placing the headphones on or in your ears, gradually turn up the volume.
  • Use good sense and monitor your listening habits – the lower the volume, the longer you can safely listen to a track.
  • Don’t use headphones when you’re in a situation that requires full attention, like crossing the street or driving a car.
  • Exposure to noise over 85 decibels (dB) can result in gradual hearing loss.